Visual Arts Starters on ARTS:LIVE
These resources will help give you the confidence to teach Visual Arts in your classroom. Give it a go! Don’t be afraid to take some creative risks. By incorporating Visual Arts you offer students a rich and stimulating learning environment to make, imagine and explore.
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Portray Yourself
- Visual Art Starters: Portray Yourself
This resource explores portraiture and gives you and your students a virtual tour of some significant artworks in the National Gallery of Victoria‘s collection. Examine different styles of portraiture and learn how to understand and analyse the artworks, including an investigation of the relationship between subject, artist and viewer. This resource also includes step-by-step instructions for students to create their own portrait.
Sustain Your Art
Visual Art Starters: Sustain Your Art
Meet Ash Keating, an awarded contemporary visual artist interested in sustainability and the concept of ‘wastefulness’. Discover how he creates large-scale installations from commercial and industrial waste materials. Students create, document and exhibit their own collaborative installation using available clean waste and digital technologies and learn to merge visual and media arts in this innovative new resource.