Welcome to the new ARTS:LIVE!
The Song Room is building on its reputation as Australia’s leading arts education provider by launching the new-look ARTS:LIVE digital music and arts education hub.
Originally launched in 2013, ARTS:LIVE has grown to become Australia’s gold standard for online arts education resources, being used by over 1 million students in more than 70% of Australian schools.
Presently, fewer than 25% of Australian school children currently enjoy the benefits of specialised music teachers. ARTS:LIVE bridges that equity gap by offering unprecedented access to in-depth, curriculum-aligned, classroom-ready interactive learning from anywhere in Australia, regardless of their existing skills and knowledge.
Now we take the education hub even further with new developments designed specifically to meet the needs of educators. Based on teacher feedback, we have a host of new features designed to improve functionality and user experience. Our courses are now accompanied by richer, more flexible content to ensure that the 300 hours of teaching content is simple to use, with effective, curriculum-aligned learning outcomes for students.
The teacher notes also have improved links to the curriculum, so when you’re delivering arts education to your students you can easily see links to other learning areas.
The upgraded platform also includes a range of additional resources that target teaching skill gaps. The Song Room has partnered with a wide range of arts experts to develop these resources, such as Heide Museum of Modern Art, Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM), AusDance, APRA/AMCOS and the National Aboriginal Islander Skills Development Association (NAISDA), with new resources being launched each term.
Teachers can register for free today, then choose your level of access to over 300 hours of teaching content across all five curriculum-aligned art forms!